Dynamic Worldz 2 virtual currency
Need in world currency? Looking to buy something in world?
Todays Exchange Rate
500 DW$ = $1.25 (the rate that we will buy DW$ back from you. Due to PayPal transaction fees this is less than the sell value)
$1.50 = 500 DW$ (the rate we sell DW$ to you at)
Minimum transaction 500 DW$
Buy Z$:
Buy DW$'s
- Select how many DW$'s you want to buy from the dropdown menu to the left.
- 500 DW$ per $1.50 and sold in increments of 500, 1000, 5000 and 10,000 DW$'s. (when exchanging your DW$ back to your currency, it can be exchange at any quantity. Minimum buy back is at the value of 1$ USD).
- Follow the on screen prompts to checkout.
- You may pay using PayPal or by Debit/Credit Card.
- Once you have purchased your DW$ please allow up to 24 hours for them to be credited to your account (although it will be done a lot sooner than that).
- By buying DW$ you are agreeing and accepting to do so in acceptance with our Terms Of Service. Dynamic Worldz accepts no liability pertaining to loss in any way.
Thank you for using Dynamic Worldz Bank
Select how many DW$ you want to buy here